Kiilto Kerasafe + Foil

Water- and vapour-tight KeraSafe+ foil for wet room waterproofing. Highly elastic and durable waterproofing foil with high crack bridging ability. The waterproofing can be made in one go and is ready to be tiled after 1 hour from foil installation.


Special features

  • very durable, the highest crack bridiging ability, water vapour tight, ready waterproofing in one go
  •  for wet areas in residential apartments and public buildings
  • when installed with KeraSafe Speed adhesive, the walls can be tiled after approx. 1 h and floors after 2 h
  • several different fastening options
  • ETA approval and TG certificate

Kiilto KeraSafe+ Foil is designed for waterproofing walls and floors in interior areas before tiling. Suitable for wet areas, for example, in residential and public buildings, schools and sport halls.


Instructions for use

Kiilto KeraSafe+ is an elastic, water- and vapour-tight waterproofing foil. Temperature of the material, room and substrate must be normal when installing KeraSafe+ foil. Prevailing conditions such as air humidity and temperature significantly affect adhesion, drying time and the possible dimensional variation of the waterproofing foil. When installing the foil by using floor adhesive, the surface must be tiled within 72 hours after installation. Before starting the job, study the procedure guide.

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